Page 132 - CRUFT_MAR_25_Schedule (1)
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27. Cooking Stoves: The use of cooking stoves in the precincts of the Show is forbidden.
28. Gangway and Ringside Obstruction: Gangways, entrances and exits must be kept clear. Cages, pens, grooming tables and
trolleys are not allowed at the ringside. Any obstructions will be removed by authorised officials.
29. Best in Show: The dog declared Best in Show is a dog which has competed and has been declared Best of Breed, Best Any
Variety Not Separately Classified or Best of Any Variety Imported Breed Register.
Definition of a Category 3 Breed: A breed from time to time designated by The Kennel Club Board as requiring particular monitoring
by reason of visible condition(s) which may cause health or welfare concerns. The list of designated Category 3 Breeds is kept
under regular review.
a. Shows Judged on the Group System (Definition: Shows judged on the Group System include classes for breeds within more
than one Group, as defined in Kennel Club Regulation B(A); and requires a Judge to declare a Best of each Group after which
the exhibits so declared will compete for the award of Best in Show and Reserve Best in Show).
(1) Best of Breed Where a breed is separately classified a Best of Breed may be declared but only from those dogs which
have received a first prize in a breed class at the show. Where separate classes are provided for each sex of a breed
a Best of each Sex must be declared. NOTE: The Best of Breed/Best Any Variety Not Separately Classified/Best Any
Variety Imported Breed Register award relevant to a Category 3 Breed will not be confirmed until the dog has passed an
examination by the General and Group Championship Show Veterinary Surgeon. If the dog fails to pass the examination,
it is ineligible to compete in the relevant Group.
(2) Best of Group Best of Group and subsequent Group placings must be selected from: (a) The Best of Breed winners in
each Group: (b) The dog declared best from the Any Variety Not Separately Classified classes in each group or on each
day: (c) The dog declared best from Any Variety Imported Breed Register classes in each Group on each day. NOTE: The
dog declared Best of Breed/Best Any Variety Not Separately Classified/Best Any Variety Imported Breed Register from a
breed designated by The Kennel Club as a Category 3 Breed is not eligible to compete in the Group competition unless
it has passed an examination by the Show's Veterinary Surgeon (if the dog fails to pass the examination it is ineligible to
compete in the relevant Group).
(3) Best in Show Best in Show must be selected from the Best of Group winners. Reserve Best in Show must be selected
from the remaining Group winners following the selection for Best in Show.
30. Best of Groups and Best in Show Competition: Exhibits will not be admitted to Group or Best in Show competition after a period
of ten minutes has elapsed since the announcement that exhibits are required for judging, unless they have been unavoidably
delayed by previous judging not being completed on time, and then only with the special permission of the Show Management.
31. Best Puppy in Breed: There will be a Best Puppy in Breed to be judged after Best of Breed has been declared. Those dogs
eligible to compete will be those between six and twelve calendar months of age on 6 March 2025. Any dog between six and
twelve months of age declared Best of Breed should automatically be awarded Best Puppy in Breed.
32. Best Veteran in Breed: Best Veteran in Breed to be judged after Best of Breed and Best Puppy in Breed has been declared.
Those eligible to compete will be those awarded first place in the Veteran breed class/classes.
33. Correspondence: All correspondence, enquiries, etc., should be e-mailed to the Show Manager, Crufts: cruftsmailbox@
34. Alterations: No modifications will be made to this Schedule except by permission of The Kennel Club Board, which will be followed
by advertisement in the Canine Press/Crufts website wherever possible. We reserve the right to amend and supplement these
conditions by publishing additional and supplementary conditions and guidelines from time to time and any variation will become
effective once posted on our official website.
35. Mating of Bitches: The mating of bitches within the precincts of the Show is forbidden.
36. Crufts Filming, Photographs and Recording: The Organisers of Crufts would like to bring this show regulation to the attention
of exhibitors, trade stands, press and visitors. Show Regulation: The taking of photographs, video footage or recordings in the
exhibition premises for sale or reward is strictly prohibited, including social media filming, radio and podcasts, except with the written
permission of the Organisers and possible payment of a fee. Press accredited photographers are provided with permission to take
photographs ONLY for use in newspapers, magazines and internet sites - this is for news purposes only. The Organisers reserve
the right at their absolute discretion to confiscate cameras and/or films for infringement of this condition. There is no objection
to the general public taking photographs or video film of general views of the Show, provided that these are for private use only.
Specific dogs may be photographed only with the approval of the exhibitor. No photography or filming is permitted in breed judging
rings whilst judging is actually taking place. However, judges may allow it to happen at the end of classes or after the Challenge
Certificate is awarded. Filming and flash photography is allowed from outside the rings at all times unless the operation of the
camera is actually affecting exhibits. However, if a powerful flash unit is used or it is clear that exhibits are being affected, a ring
steward or the judge is empowered to stop the person concerned. Cinematograph or television equipment may only be used at the
Show if a permit has been issued by the Organisers. There are also certain restrictions on the use of cameras for still photography
and private video films. Full details of these and filming permits may be obtained from
130 Crufts 2025